Wednesday, January 23, 2013

On Willpower and Substitutions

I try to eat healthy ... I really do.
I love to cook and subsequently eat what I cook.
The trick these days is to make something that looks, tastes and actually is healthy. .... note: I haven't mentioned low calorie. I'm tired of that line of thought. It only leads to deprivation and discontentment.

Marketing today does nothing to help the uninformed make healthy decisions. Low fat is plastered on many labels. Upon further investigation you will often note a huge increase in sugar and salt.... not much of a healthy improvement. Many snack items come with a catchy phrase "no cholesterol"  What exactly does that mean?

Reading labels has increased the time it takes for me to navigate the grocery store.  I add the 2 numbers beside "FAT". If they total more than 10, I put it back.  Next I look at the salt content. Again try to keep it low ( under 15% ).
My savvy sister-in-law  pointed out that if the ingredient list is long - and you can't read most of it - leave the item in the store. Avoid processed when possible and make your own. Lastly  visit only the outside circle of most stores. Here you will find fresh produce, meat, and dairy. Avoiding the inner aisles keeps you away from processed and junk foods.

Now that you have all the right ingredients in hand - start cooking. Substitute at least half the sugar with herbs and spices.If a sweetener is needed use honey, agave syrup or real maple syrup. Keep plenty of onion, garlic, basil, and real lemon on hand. Cut back on fats. Make meatless meals. Eat smaller portions and wait 15 minutes before taking seconds.

My favourite treat is a fruit smoothie. I use a combination of fresh and frozen fruit then toss in frozen crunched up kale and a few carrots for extra punch ( sometimes it is hard to eat all the vegetables we should ). Blend with home made almond milk or a little fruit juice. No sugar needed. Yum!

Soup is the entree of the day during these cold winter months. Start with a good broth, saute a few onions and start adding other vegetables ( leftovers are fine ). Add beans or lentils for substance and your favourite spices ---- basil, a bay leaf or some curry. The aroma from a good pot of soup will bring people to the table in a hurry.

Life isn't perfect. We don't always follow our own rules but once you begin a routine of healthy eating your body will be unhappy when you stray. I never skip a meal ....  pack homemade lunches  .. and avoid fast food restaurants ... it's work but I am up for the challenge.

We truly are what we eat.

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