Monday, January 28, 2013

Helping Out

OK ---- I admit I'm not a very relaxed person. A day on the couch just wouldn't happen for me. By the time people decide something should be done ----- I have probably already done it. Drives them and me crazy........
Do I spend a lot of time looking after me?? No. But....... I believe ..............
'If you can't or won't do something for yourself -- do something for others. It has a boomerang effect" ---- it's true. Try it. The results are guaranteed and you will be happier for it.

As I mentioned we are in rural Ontario doing the outside stuff my brother can't do right now (because of the white cast he is lugging around) ----- you know--- feed the chickens (I kid you not), bring in the wood,and complete the task that started this whole problem (this involved climbing up the same ladder in the same spot and finishing the job). Do we mind? Not at all. We are outside! The trees around have a beautiful white frosting and we came upon 3 deer today in our travels. Life is slow and quiet here. The air is crisp and clean  and a warm fire welcomes when we return indoors.

Sherri had her surgery today. All went well and we are relieved. There will be a recovery period, but she has a great support team. They will have trouble keeping her resting and quiet.

As for my brother ----- we took him to Belleville today to have his cast removed. The surgeon agreed to replace the plaster with an Air Cast  provided he didn't put too much weight on it for a few more weeks. AHH-- a new challenge. He wants to be up and outside. He isn't a sit and do nothing person either (genes!). We have to keep him immobile a while longer.
Besides - if he discovers he can be totally independent he might send us home........
We like the chickens --- great pets. There are miles of hiking trails here ...... and Don is becoming very attached to the comfy rocky chair by the solarium window........

Life is good. Glad today is behind us and all is well.
Wonder what tomorrow will bring.

1 comment:

  1. Don and Carol... Great that you both are such a help to Art, Mary and family. Family are wonderful.
