Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Grandchildren - God's reward for passing parenthood

Grandchildren: They keep us young!
We are blessed with 5 wonderful grandchildren.
For the record every grandparent has the most delightful, gorgeous, unique, well behaved grandchildren in the world. All destined for great things.......that's just the way it should be. Ours are no exception.
These youngsters are each a miracle to behold. Their world is simple. Things are easily explained. Life is uncomplicated.
They have wisdom beyond their years and can put a reasonable explanation to most encounters.
I remember  visiting with family members one hot summer day. Our daughter had removed her baby from the stroller to take her inside to nurse. One of the crowd asked where the baby was ------ the reply from an observant bystander ---
 " she's inside milking her Mom "

This Christmas my daughter bought a wonderful kitchen set for her bunch.

Typically this is the part they enjoy the most......

You guessed it......the box it came in.

Have you noticed how the world is sometimes geared for the small fry. Our grandson certainly has an easier time removing clothes from the dryer than me.


Regardless of what the day brings just watching them grow is a pleasure.
A hug -  a smile or just walking hand and hand. You know you are loved and they feel secure and loved in return.

Isn't life amazing!

Another great day.


  1. Hi, Carol

    Enjoying your blog - looks like you are having a great time with everyone. Looking forward to seeing you when you get home.

  2. Hi Carol;

    Great pictures and your words are so true. Enjoy reading your blog.

  3. Hi Carol, I enjoyed reading your blog posts. Great idea! Fun to see what you are doing.
