Tuesday, January 29, 2013

No Matches!

At present we are in a rural area outside Bancroft. My brother and his wife are completing their off grid house. I am amazed how easy living is here. We are warm and comfy and the system seems to require little but sun most days to keep it operational.

Obviously the first chore of the day is to get the wood stove replenished. The house has never dropped below 65 --- even first thing in the morning not uncomfortable. I am first up so I can get on with that task ... I load in wood kindling and logs but can't find a match! This isn't my house but the job must get done so I try discretely to check drawers and jugs. No matches!
Breakfast is going to be late.

Before long Art appeared to inform us, "There are no matches".

At this point it should be noted that this man seems a little accident prone lately and we just can't figure out why! We quickly learned it probably has everything to do with his "get the job done " attitude.

A blow torch was quickly produced.

Needless to say breakfast was simmering in no time.

A shower was next on the agenda for today.
In preparation Art had us uncover a lawn chair hidden in the yard. It was then placed in front of the fire to thaw and be cleaned. We had it looking pretty good only to discover it didn't fit into the shower.
A water tolerable substitute was needed.

Mary will be happy ( I think ) to see her fishing equipment isn't gathering dust while she is away. We put her bucket in the shower ---- rods and all (this is a nifty ice fishing gadget - the bucket has all your fishing gear  --- you remove what is needed and  sit on the padded seat  while waiting for the fish to bite).
No further picture are available but you get the idea.

Having exhausted ourselves enough for today I think we will sit and watch the fire burn for a while.

Never could sit still for long!
What the heck is this all about?
You will have to catch Art's blog --  Living Off Grid -- maybe he will have more info.

Never a dull moment.
Love to be busy.

Have to go check on the "girls". They owe us some eggs.

Lots to do ... places to go etc.

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