Sunday, January 13, 2013

accidents happen!

I love to cook!
Soup is my favourite entree this time of year  ...... home made of course.
It is a great way it incorporate those not so enjoyable vegetables into your diet. It is an economical way to use up leftover roasted vegetables or raw crisper dwellers. You can make a very filling meal without meat.

 This my stock of choice --- delicious and low salt.

Chopping and dicing is a mindless task giving me time to think and reflect. I find it relaxing. For years my housemate has been vocal about a better way to get the job done ... I'm sure it isn't out of guilt for not helping (he doesn't cook but he is my best taster).

This year Don outdid himself (we aren't big on gift exchange) and proudly produced a mandolin at Christmas. Now this is a gadget! I don't do gadgets! They take up cupboard space and need careful washing. Most gadgets are dangerous objects in my hands. No problem ..... my man is Mr. gadget. He bought it and would happily take over the task of slicing and dicing.

So today we had the task of making a new pot of soup. I peeled ..... he would slice. (well I had to cut up the peeled veg so it would be ready for the mandolin).
Work seemed to be progressing well till suddenly there was a yelp from the mandolin corner and a stream of red flashed across the kitchen ....... why shake your hand? it won't come off and it does nothing to suppress bleeding.

I had to do a quick switch from chef to nurse hat.Tracked down the first aid kit and had the bleeding suppressed in no time.

The mandolin has been put away -- forever --- and I am back to being the official chopper.

Don is resting comfortably in front of the TV.

Must go he wants a cup of tea.


  1. Food tastes much better without my flesh in it.
    Another reason for me to stay out out the kitchen until called for dinner.
    ...the housemate

  2. Great post, I had a good laugh.

  3. WOW! two accidents in one day. Glad Don was able to retrieve his flesh. Not what you want in soup.

    Enjoy the rest and let Carol do the cooking.
