Saturday, February 9, 2013

Trying to keep up with technology.

I hate change! I think I must have a lazy brain. New technology brings with it a learning curve which seems more like a mountain than a curve with each passing year. 

I don't own a cell phone (although I'm glad my hubby does) ..... all those little buttons. They must have been invented by a 5 year  old.

A new gadget always means a dent in my slush fund. The newer the technology the higher the price tag ........I try to reason -- just wait a few years it will come down in price.

I balked at computers 10 years ago. Now nothing ruins my day more than an Internet failure.

A GPS was a frivolous  gadget not too long ago. Now we get hopelessly lost if we don't have it telling us where to go.

I used to be able to select a movie and play it on our DVD player. Now our movies are downloaded --- a skill I have yet to master. They are stored on a little black box  -- a media player -- or a media drive (an external brain ----- I need one of these). I know they are there and some day I will master putting them on the TV for viewing.

Technology today is often geared to making life easier. Some tasks I like to do myself just because. A  Keurig machine which produces a cup of fresh brewed coffee in an instant will never replace the sensual pleasure I get from grinding my beans and brewing a full pot of coffee.

Which brings me to today's extravagant purchase.

This is a Robot vacuum. I already own a perfectly good central vac system. I am capable of pushing it around (good exercise). What possessed me to buy this extravagance?? I have never had a cleaning person (is that the correct term these days?). This is a happy little gadget. She actually hums as she works. She does a great job at picking up dust and dirt. And I guess I was just in the mood to buy something for me.

Now ----- once I get it out of the box do you think I can make it work???

Never stop learning ...  our brains need the exercise.

1 comment:

  1. OK, chuckle time. I think you will be very happy with "Molly Maid" Just push her button, go out the door and come back in an hour; voila! all done.
    This thing even puts herself back on the charging block when she/he is done.
    Gadgets, we have a love, hate relationship with them. Love them when they work properly, hate them when they won't start.
