Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sandals and green houses

Things are warming up nicely in Myrtle Beach.The sandals are out! Temperatures are nearing 70.
Garden centers are a buzz of activity  --- a sure sign winter is past. Just seeing all the blooms puts a spring in my step and makes me want to grab a shovel and get planting.

i was really intrigued with the variety of plants and trees available at great prices.
These palms are 10 feet tall and sell for $149.00.

Don was shopping while I was checking out the palms.

He picked up these roof racks. ....... maybe he too is thinking a new tree might be a good thing??
Guess customs might have a problem with us bringing such an item home!

Oh well. Fun to shop. Guess I will just look today since plants can't be taken home.

Now ------ how can we put those roof racks to work??

Plan to explore second hand shops next ....... as they say one persons junk ------ another persons treasure.

Never stop exploring.

1 comment:

  1. Roof racks .......... what was he thinking?????

    Sounds like you are into perfect beach weather.

