Thursday, February 28, 2013


As I mentioned yesterday  we are off to Myrtle Beach today.
Plan was to be up and out the door before six. The car was packed --- the lunch was made -- the alarm set.
Now when I travel a distance I am supposed to wear support stockings. If you aren't familiar with these they are really thick elastic stockings that look like they are made for a Barbie Doll -- which I am not. Anyway here I was at 5:30 am trying to ram my size 12 legs into size 2 stockings ...... needless to say we were late leaving.
Our tardy departure put us in Detroit at the height of rush hour so we were delayed again. Weather wasn't overly co-operative either as it rained most of the day.
Good thing we are retired. Enjoyed the scenery even in the dull weather. Temperatures were actually lower going through the mountains of West Virginia than at home ( -4 ).
We made it to North Carolina and our hotel at just after 7:00 pm. Best Western in Mt Airy. Nice rooms, comfy beds which we plan to sleep in shortly.
Another early start tomorrow since we want to be in MB by noon.

Now ---- should I speed things up in the morning by sleeping in these darn tights tonight ???

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


February is such a drab month. The excitement of Christmas is over. The novelty of snow has passed. Friends and relatives  have scattered to parts of the world warmer than Ontario. As for me I guess I decided the bears have a good thing going right now ----- sleep through the winter ----- or in my case turn up the fireplace, dust off that thick novel and cozy up till it looks like you can venture outdoors without fear of frost bite.
Anyway ----- the end of February draws nearer. I have been getting complaints from my readers ( well -- I think I had 1 complaint ..... ). So this blog will be active again.
We have plans to escape farther south ourselves, starting tomorrow. The plan is to meet friends in Myrtle Beach for a couple of weeks ----- little sand and sun, lots of catching up. Hope the weather improves here for driving.
As well as printing google maps, securing cheap hotel accommodations and of course packing I always take time to check out great shopping deals. I have pre ordered for delivery in the USA and have hauled out my American catalogues. This add caught my eye!

This was a full page add in Cabela's  an Outdoor store  that I thought sold good clothing and shoes ...... looks like they are in to a few other things as well! Look closer .......

Gotta love shopping in USA ----- don't think you can carry drugs or alcohol around in public but obviously a gun is OK ?????? I will not be shopping at this store. Don't know who or what you may run in to. ....... here I am thinking a purse was just to carry cash and make up .......  WOW. As my Dad used to say..... always something!

Will keep you posted on our travels.
Happy snow day everyone.
Keep warm.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Trying to keep up with technology.

I hate change! I think I must have a lazy brain. New technology brings with it a learning curve which seems more like a mountain than a curve with each passing year. 

I don't own a cell phone (although I'm glad my hubby does) ..... all those little buttons. They must have been invented by a 5 year  old.

A new gadget always means a dent in my slush fund. The newer the technology the higher the price tag ........I try to reason -- just wait a few years it will come down in price.

I balked at computers 10 years ago. Now nothing ruins my day more than an Internet failure.

A GPS was a frivolous  gadget not too long ago. Now we get hopelessly lost if we don't have it telling us where to go.

I used to be able to select a movie and play it on our DVD player. Now our movies are downloaded --- a skill I have yet to master. They are stored on a little black box  -- a media player -- or a media drive (an external brain ----- I need one of these). I know they are there and some day I will master putting them on the TV for viewing.

Technology today is often geared to making life easier. Some tasks I like to do myself just because. A  Keurig machine which produces a cup of fresh brewed coffee in an instant will never replace the sensual pleasure I get from grinding my beans and brewing a full pot of coffee.

Which brings me to today's extravagant purchase.

This is a Robot vacuum. I already own a perfectly good central vac system. I am capable of pushing it around (good exercise). What possessed me to buy this extravagance?? I have never had a cleaning person (is that the correct term these days?). This is a happy little gadget. She actually hums as she works. She does a great job at picking up dust and dirt. And I guess I was just in the mood to buy something for me.

Now ----- once I get it out of the box do you think I can make it work???

Never stop learning ...  our brains need the exercise.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Something to ponder!

I am cheating today. Chores are keeping me busy  but I found this on the internet and thought it worth passing along.
Something to think about while I feed the chickens,wash the cloths,cook for my hungry guys and generally just enjoy my day.................

1. Try everything twice. On one woman's tombstone she said she wanted this epitaph: "Tried everything twice. Loved it both times!"
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. (Keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches!)
3. Keep learning:
Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever... Never let the brain get idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's!
4. Enjoy the simple things.
5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, Spend lots and lots of time with HIM /HER.
6.. The tears happen:
Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. LIVE while you are alive.
7. Surround yourself with what you love: Whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever.. Your home is your refuge.
8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
9. Don't take guilt trips.. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next city, state, To a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.
10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity. I love you, my special friend.
11. Forgive now those who made you cry. You might not get a second chance.
And if you don't send this to at least 4 people - who cares? But do share this with someone.
Lost time can never be found.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
WINE does not make you FAT ......
- it makes you LEAN ... (Against tables, chairs, floors, walls and ugly people.)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Road Trip

It has been a busy week -- getting up and going to bed with the sun ( funny how we have gotten in to that routine living in the north).

The weather made outings a challenge early in the week. Melting snow resulted in icy conditions. Wednesday we tried to venture to town. Managed to get Art into the car without mishap (bootcast and all). Slid down the driveway to the road -- scoped out the driving conditions and decided it wasn't smart to continue further. We could amuse ourselves at home.

To the delight of the men in my life I decided a baking day was a great way to pass the time (I had 2 falls on the ice so was banished to the indoors anyway). My niece had left wonderful scones in the freezer on Saturday but they were now a distant memory so I decided to try to duplicate her efforts. Apple ginger and strawberry yogurt were doable with available ingredients.

The results although not nearly as good as Sherri's must have been ok ..... they didn't make it to the freezer.

While I was busy cooking the men were plotting a new adventure.Loving to travel but tired of dealing with airport security my sweetie thinks we should see more of North America by car. Great idea except hotels are expensive and my track record in a tent isn't great. The solution ----- a trailer. Now don't get excited ---  we drive a little economical car and a motor home is out of the question. No problem. The Amish in Ohio make a "Little Guy" trailer. Holds a queen size mattress, sits off the ground and is totally waterproof.Dressing could be an acrobatic performance but might produce more blog material later.

In no time we googled a dealer in Pembroke (a mere 2 hours down the road). Great ..... " Road Trip". Fed the hens, packed lunch and we were off.

As you can see it is much smaller and shorter than the T@B.

Don tried it out and seemed to fit quite nicely.

The slogan on the bumper was the deal closer for us.(I especially liked it! --- a guy who goes where told -- get it---)


This is the one we chose to take home.

Clever little bank. Wonder how long it will take to save up for a real one?

Always something new to think about.
Plans to be made. Places to experience.

Never stop exploring.